
4:59 PM

At last! Graduation day is here! I have dreamed about this day for years but never fully imagined what it would feel like to be wearing my cap and gown and accepting my diploma. It feels like mix of nervousness, and excitement. Mostly I feel calm though. My family has flown out to see this momentous occasion. I am so grateful for them. It sounds cliche, but I wouldn't be walking without the help of my biggest cheerleaders- my parents. They have supported me in every way. They didn't give up when I didn't even believe in myself at times. So thank you.

And thank you to Calvin. Who has put up with this insane internship. Long hours, shorter date-nights than we would want, but we did it.

First day of college (2008)

First dorm room. (I met Calvin two days later after this picture was taken.)

Last day of college 

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